Onetta Elaine Hollowell Memorial Scholarship

The Onetta Elaine Hollowell Memorial Scholarship Fund is sponsored by Kids 4 Real Incorporated Childcare Center in memory of Oneta, who lost her ten-month battle to Leiomyosarcoma cancer on February 26, 2012. Oneta was the owner and director of a child care facility and her center was continually ranked among the top centers in the state of Colorado.
For more than 20 years, Oneta educated Denver’s children to become the future leaders of tomorrow. She received her associate degree in the early childhood education program at CCD.

Requirements, Terms & Conditions:
• Students pursuing a certificate or degree in the Early Childhood Elementary program
Single parents are encouraged to apply.
• Maintain a GPA of 2.5 or higher and enrolled in a minimum of 6 credit hours.
• Be a resident of Colorado for tuition purposes
• Demonstrate financial need by completing the FAFSA or CASFA
• Maintain satisfactory academic progress at CCD
• Accept the scholarship’s terms & conditions through CCD’s scholarship portal by Census Day.
• Write a “Thank You” letter and upload it through CCD’s scholarship portal by Census Day.
• Upload a digital image of yourself
• Submit the Photo/Video Release Form
• Provide a short bio of yourself, including your hometown, any hobbies or interesting facts, and skills/talents that you have that may set you apart from others. This is your scholarship brag bio, so include anything you would like the donor to know about you

The Oneta Elaine Hollowell Memorial Scholarship